MJC & Ph.D in Journalism and Mass Communication
Title of Thesis: "Pilgrimage Tourism: Media Use and Travel
Behaviour of Tourists visiting Tirumala"
University from which
Ph.D awarded:Sri Padmavathi
Women’s University
MJC & Ph.D in Journalism and Mass Communication
Teaching Experience : 10yrs
Administrative Experience: 6yrs
Research Experience: 12yrs
I have been teaching since 2013 and taught reporting and editing for print media, Advertising, Public Relations, International Communication, History of Mass Media etc. Guided for PG students for more than 40 dissertations. Organized 3 webinars. Students produced 8 documentaries on various topics under my supervision. Actively participated in 14 national and international workshops and 6 faculty development programmes. Completed 9 certificate courses (online) on digital Journalism and Digital skills, Digital Marketing, Social Media etc and got good score in all the courses. Regularly deliver special talks on various issues related to the discipline in AIR(All India Radio), Vijayawada.
1. Ph.D : --
2. M.Phil/M.Tech : --
1. Ph.D : 04
2. M.Phil : 02
1. National : 11
2. International : 02
1. National : 11
2. International : 09
Title and Sanction Order Particulars | Date of Project Sanctioned | Major/Minor and Funding Agency | Amount in Lakhs |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
Member BOS, Dept JMC, Krishna University
Member, BOS, SRR&CVR degree college, Vijayawada
Member, BOS, Noble college, Machilipatnam
Member, Inspection committee for granting Affiliation, KRU, Mchilipatnam
Member, Affiliation Process, KRU, Machilipatnam
Assistant Professor
Department of Journalism & Mass Communication
ANU College of Arts,Commerce & Law​
Acharya Nagarjuna University
Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur, A.P., India.
Zip/Pin Code: 522510