M.Sc., Ph.D.
Title of Thesis: "Structural and functional characterization of
chlorophyll protein complexes of PhotosystemI
and Photosystem II from Sorghum bicolor.L
Moench differing umder growth irradiance
University from which
PhDs awarded:JSri Venkateswara
Teaching Experience:33 years
Administrative Experience:09 years
Research Experience:25 years
Microbial collection of 96 endophytic and marine bacterial isolates identified and deposited in NCBI. Visited Nepal, Vietnam, Japan, Tashkent,and Malaysia as invited speaker. One patent grant and two are in pipeline. Fellow Asian PGPR society (2022), at Malaysia. A.P state Best teacher award-2022. Life time Achievement award from IJIEMR-Elsevier SSRN research Award 2022.Life time Achievement award 2022 by M.P council of Science and technology Bhopal and pharmaceutical research of international society.Dr Sarvepalle Radha Krishnan Best Teacher award-2021 by Society of learning technologies. International Award for Excellence-2019 by Asian PGPR society & Uzbekistan. International Certificate of Acheivement-2018 inSakura exchange programme on science, Japan science and technology.Best research paper 2018 inNational jounal 42nd foundation day of ANU. International Award for Excellence-2017 from Asian PGPR society & ICAR.Best oral paper-2020 in National Seminar On “Recent Advances Agriculture and Biomedical Research” .Best academic administrator award and Women of Worth research Awards2021, by Society for learning technologies,India. Young Scientist (above 30 years) in International conference by 8th Annual convention of ABAP.Best paperinNational Seminar 2014.Best paper in national Seminar on Conservation of Animal Biodiversity and Environmental Monitoring organized 2014.Second Prize in Acharya Nagarjuna university Academic Exhibition 2013-2014.Associate Fellow 2012 Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Science. Best paper in National seminar on Sustainable Development in Biotechnology 2010.Best poster in 2nd A.P. SCIENCE CONGRESS- 2009. Best paper in national Level Technical Symposium, BRAVURA ’08 (2008).Best paper in National conference on The Role of Biotechnology in Rural and Industrial Development at Tirupati(2008).Junior research fellow of United States of Department of Agriculture (USDA-JRF of Indo-US (1986-89) andDST-JRF in 1985-86
Books 07
Book Chapters 12
Title and Sanction Order Particulars | Date of Project Sanctioned | Major/Minor and Funding Agency | Amount in Lakhs |
Establishment of the Primary Productivity in Fish and Prawn Ponds in Relation to their Soil and Water Variations in the Coastal Region” | 2008 2010 | DST(Ref.No. SSD/SS/021/2008). | 7,69,945/ |
Bioformulations from endophytic croorganisms against chilli anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum sp.” | 2011-2014 | UGC-Major research project (F.No 40- 132/2011(SR)) | 12.15 lakhs |
UGC –SAP BSR PhaseI &PhaseII | 2015-2023 | UGC-DELHI F.3-8/2018/DRS-I II/SAP-II | 1.5cr |
DST -FIST | 2017-2022 | DST –Delhi SR/FST/LSI/620/2 | 75 lakhs |
PMECS-17 Seminar /symposium grant | 2017 | DST-SERB SB/SS/1489/16-17. | 1 lakh |
PMECS2017 | 2017 | APSCHE –A.P | 50,000 |
PMECS-17 | 2017 | UGC ANU/SEMINAR/FUNDS ALLOCATE/2017. | 1 lakh |
5 th Asian PGPR national Seminar /symposium grant | 2019 | DST SERB/F/10621/2018-19. | 1 lakh |
5 th Asian PGPR national conference | 2019 | ICAR–Delhi 23(80)/2018-CDR (TECH)/ICAR/201. | 5 lakh |
5 th Asian PGPR national conference | 2019 | UGC-ANU ANU/SEMINAR/FUNDS ALLOCATE/2019 | 1.25 lakhs |
RAABR-2020 | 2020 | UGC-ANU ANU/SEMINAR/FUNDS ALLOCATE/2020. | 1.25 lakhs |
RAAFBR -2021 | 2020 | UGC-ANU ANU/SEMINAR/FUNDS ALLOCATE/2020 | 1.25 lakhs |
1. Project Title: Frontiers in Plant and Microbial Research (FPMR)
Budget Sanctioned: Rs. 1,25,000.
Sanctioned by: Acharya Nagarjuna University
2. Project Title: FrontiersRecent Advances in Agriculture Food and Biomedical Research.
Budget Sanctioned: Rs. 1,25,000.
Sanctioned by: Acharya Nagarjuna University
3. Project Title: Recent Advances to Agricultu re and Biomedical Research
Budget Sanctioned: Rs. 1,25,000.
Sanctioned by: Acharya Nagarjuna University
4. Project Title: Sustainable and Organic Agriculture
Budget Sanctioned: Rs. 1,25,000.
Sanctioned by: Acharya Nagarjuna University
1. Scientific consultant to Global BioAG LINKAGES ,USA from 2019- till date
2. Scientific consultant to Sujay Biotech PVT Ltd ,Vijayawada from 2019- till date
3. Scientific consultant toZuari Agro chemical ltd .,Tirupati from 2019- till date
4. Scientific consultant to VARSHA BIOSCIENCE and Technology India PVT Ltd, Hyderabad
from 2019- till date
5. Scientific consultant to Sri Bioaesthetivs PVT Ltd ,Hyderabad from 2019- till date
6. Scientific consultant to Pragathi Bio-Pharma PVT ltd ,Hyderabad from 2019- till date
7. Scientific consultant to ORO AGRI PVT Ltd ,New Delhi from 2019- till date
8. Scientific consultant to Gujarat ECO MICROBIAL Technologies Pvt Ltd Vadodara from 2019-
till date
9. Scientific Consultant to Lakshmi Ganapathi Chilli Export Organization ,Guntur For Quality
control and quality assurance from 2016-till date.10. Scientific consultant to SIBAR INSTITUTE
Inventors | Title & Reference Application Number | |
Patent Publication 20-12-2019 | Dr. Amrutha Valli, Dr. M. Sai Ram | Isolation, characterization and mass production of chloroxanthomycin with anti-cancer and antibiotic activity Indian patent Publication NO:201941052050 |
Patent Granted | Dr. Amrutha Valli, Dr. M. Sai Ram | NO: 355347 Date : 06/01/2021 |
Life member American Society of Microbiology, USA
Associate fellow, AP Academy of Sciences
Life member, Association for Advancement of Pest Management in Horticultura lEcosystem
(AAPMHE), IIHR, Bangalore
Life member Association of Microbiologists of India
1. Governing body member to Jagarlamudi Kuppuswamy Chowdary degree and PG College
(Autonomous )GunturA.P ,India
2. Chairperson BOS,UG-4 years (NEP2020) of Biomedical Sciences. Hindu College Guntu,
3. Member ,Board of studies to Botany ,Microbiology and Horticultural courses of RUSA
University ,Kurnool, A.P India
4. Selection committee member A.P state Government college lecturer transfers
5. Selection committee member in CAS promotions of Biotechnology ,JNTU ,Kakinada.
6. Member Board of studies, Department of Botany, Acharya Nagarjuna University
7. Member Board of studies, Department of Microbiology, Acharya Nagarjuna University
8. Member Board of studies, Centre for Women studies, Acharya Nagarjuna University
9. Member, Doctoral committee, Sasstra University, Tanjoor.
10. Paper-setter, Examiner at Vignan University, Andhra University,
S.V.University,V.S.University .
Specific Area of research: microbial biotechnology towards agriculture, food and biomedical
Current research :
1. Exploration of anticancer ,anti-diabetic anti-arthritic e secondary metabolites from plants
and microorganisms .
2. Development of novel bio formulations using endophytic and rhizobacteria and their
metabolomics for the management of biotic and abiotic stresses in vegetable crops
3. Design of UG and PG course curriculum as Chairperson and BOS member to Botany,
Microbiology, horticulture and Biomedical Sciences.
Scientific Consultant to certify export quality of chilli.
4. Collaborative research with MDS dessertations of Dental colleges and NIT Warangal on
Antimicrobials of natural products and nanomaterial.
5. Editor to A.P state Four years UG Botany Text book
Associate Professor,Head of Botany and Microbiology Department
Coordinator UGC-SAP Phase II
Chairperson BOS,UG-4 years (NEP2020) of Biomedical Sciences
Department of Microbiology
ANU College of Sciences.
Acharya Nagarjuna University
Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur, A.P., India.
Zip/Pin Code: 522510
Cell: 9440995842