Dr. K. Babu

Dr. K. Babu
Guest Faculty

ANU college of Sciences

M.Sc., Ph.D., PDF & B.Ed.


M.Sc., Ph.D., PDF & B.Ed.
Title of Thesis: Morpho-physiological, biochemical and molecular responses of blackgram (Vignamungo L.) genotypes against water stress.
University from which PhDs awarded:Acharya Nagarjuna University
Awarded Year:2016

Post Doctorate
Title of Thesis: Screening of YMV resistant Blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) genotypes suitable for Rainfed and Paddy fallows.
UGC/CSIR NET/SLET/SET: APSET-2012 qualified.
Academic Acheivements:
1. Selected for UGC Non-SAP Meritorious Fellowship
2. Awarded UGC PDFSS.
3. Awarded Best Paper Presentation in MSSRF.
4. Life Member in Indian Science Congress Association.
No. of books published:
Book Chapters: 05

No. of research articles published/presented since the inception: 31

No. of Papers presented in Conferences: 27
No. of Workshops attended: 19
Faculty Development Programmes: 02
Professional Experience:

1. Well experienced in operating and analyzing data of LICOR 6400 and LC Pro Photosynthetic Analyzer.
2. Good knowledge on working with UV – Visible Spectrophotometer, SPAD meter, Water potential meter (Psypro), Infrared Gun and Soil moisture meter.
3. Having working knowledge of operating HPLC, UV – AAS, FTIR and XRD.
4. Having knowledge of operating SDS Phase, Gel doc, PCR and RT – PCR.
5. Having Knowledge of doing and analyze the research results using different Statistics softwares (AGRISTAT, MINITAB and MS - Excel).

Significant contribution towards research:

1. Isolated RNA from blackgram genotypes for the first time.
2. Identified the 21 drought responsive genes in blackgram genotypes for the first time.
3. Confirmed drought the tolerance of LBG 752 and LBG 756 blackgram genotypes.
4. Identified two drought tolerance blackgram varieties LBG 752 and LBG 756 to cultivate in rice fallows under receding soil moisture conditions.
5. Screened 50 blackgram varieties and identified KU15-6, TU-18, PGRU-99-028 as yellow mosaic virus tolerant genotypes.

Specific Area of research:
1. Plant stress physiology
2. Plant secondary metabolites
3. Herbal nanoparticles

  • Dr. K. Babu

    Guest Faculty
    Department of Botany & Microbiology
    ANU College of Sciences.
    Acharya Nagarjuna University
    Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur, A.P., India.
    Zip/Pin Code: 522510

  • Cell: 9441693332

  • babu.j.kakumanu@gmail.com