Title: Isolation and Quantification of Impurities in Specified Drugs by The Development of Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Methods (HPLC, UPLC, GC And LC-MS)
University from which
PhDs awarded:Acharya Nagarjuna
1. Qualified in Joint CSIR-UGC-NET Test with AIR-33 for Assistant Professor held on 15th Dec, 2019 in the subject Chemical Sciences with all India 33rd Rank. [Roll No.: AP0416200044]
2. Qualified in Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test (APSET-2020) for assistant professor\ Lecturer held on 20th Dec, 2020 in the subject Chemical Sciences. [APSLFT/6268/2020]
1. Best Oral Presentation on “Recent Advances in Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences”, RACPABS-2020.
2. Qualified in NCC – A certificate examination under the authority of Ministry of Defence, Government of India.
3. Selected as “Post Graduate Trainee (Chemistry)" for Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited, Bangalore.
4. Secured 93% in My NEP Quiz competition, 2020.
5. Secured 60% on General Chemistry online Quiz, organized by department of chemistry, Acharya Nagarjuna University, 2020.
6. Completed a National Level Online E-quiz on “Ozone Layer Protection & Preservation” with passing score of 60%, 2020.
1. Have been working as a counselling staff for certificate verification in online counselling centre (HLC), Acharya Nagarjuna University, in various CET’S like EAMCET, ICET, PGECET, LAWCET, Ed. CET’s, PECET from 2017 to 2019.
2. Was a member of Organizing Committee at the 1st International Conference on “Recent Advances in Chemical, Pharmaceutical & Biological Sciences”, 5th -7th March 2020.
3. Was a member of Organizing Committee at the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Sustainable Technology and its Applications in Applied Sciences, 23rd – 24th February, 2024.
No of journals published :18
No of conferences/Seminars: 24
Area of research:
1. Development of Analytical Techniques for determination of pharmaceutical drugs and impurities.
2. Study of molecular interactions between various Ionic Liquids and Organic solvent.s
3. Organic synthesis and their biological studies
Dr. P. Bharath
Department of CHEMISTRY
ANU College of Sciences.
Acharya Nagarjuna University
Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur, A.P., India.
Zip/Pin Code: 522510
+91 9000025211