The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in the year 1987 with the sponsorship of Department of Electronics, Government of India for initiating the course of MCA. The initial intake was 30 students for MCA, the intake was later enhanced to 60. The department also started MSc Computational Data Science (CDS) Post Graduation Program with an intake of 40 in the year 2023. The department has initiated to start M. Tech in Computer Science subsequently as a natural extension to this the department has started to offer the Ph. D program in computer science in general and the specific areas have been Software Engineering, Cloud Computing, Data Science, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Block Chain Technology, Cyber Security etc. The department has got several MOUs with various industries across India,
Extensive participation of students in seminars and sympozia.
Focused research of the faculty members.
Research extension to the outside faculty members.
Image Processing, Software Engineering, Cloud Computing , Data Mining, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning, Cryptography and Network Security, Deep Learning, Cyber Security.