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Welcome to Mechanical Engineering Department

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Acharya Nagarjuna University, was established in the year 2009 with an intake of 60 students in first year. The department has also started M.Tech program in the year 2013 and enrolled Ph.D students in 2010. Since its establishment, the department has been recognized all over the world for excellence in research and teaching. The department has an excellent research environment with active research groups in the areas of Composite Materials, Manufacturing, Production , Bio Materials, Bulk Metallic glasses, CFD, High entropy Alloys. The ex-students occupy the topmost place in industry and academia.

The department has 8 qualified Faculty out of which 5 faculty having Ph.D and 3 having M.Tech .The faculty members actively involve themselves in research activities and published/presented papers in National/International Journals and Conferences. The department has well established class rooms and Laboratories. The department has state-of-the-art lab infrastructure with Dassault Lab and equipment worth Rs. 1.5 crores. Internet band width 100Mbps leased line is available, supported by Cyber am Firewall providing security.

Dr. B.Purna Chandra Sekhar

HOD - Department of ME

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Acharya Nagarjuna University, was established in the year 2009 with an intake of 60 students in first year. The department has also started M.Tech program in the year 2013 and enrolled Ph.D students in 2010. Since its establishment, the department has been recognized all over the world for excellence in research and teaching. The department has an excellent research environment with active research groups in the areas of Composite Materials, Manufacturing, Production , Bio Materials, Bulk Metallic glasses, CFD, High entropy Alloys. The ex-students occupy the topmost place in industry and academia.

Achievements and Research
